Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Poker River Online

It's not often that I post about a site I've found when scouring the internet for information to try and make my play and strategy a little better. I do try to read a fair bit when it comes to playing online poker though and the site, Poker River Online caught my eye and my attention.

As a brief overview of the site, it contains loads of top notch information for anyone interested in playing poker. It's mainly aimed at online players with a wide range of poker bonus codes and other specific online information, however, for players who like a home game, there is still lots to read to help your poker gaming skills and hopefully make you better than the others at the tables!

I found the Poker Tips and Strategy articles fantastic and a great help when brushing up on some of my playing tactics, or certainly the tactics I'd like to use if I ever stay in a game long enough! The range of articles to help your play is wide ranging and covers many different topics from betting and the odds of poker through to freeroll tournaments and mistakes in poker. I was especially tickled by the Dealers Choice games, including Murder, Blind Baseball and 7/27, none of which I'd ever heard of before by sound like fun variations of the more popular poker games.

The NL Heads Up article was especially appealing to me as I think that's where most of my problems when playing lie. I do ok thoughout the tournament before crumpling at the end. Story of my life really but I've now got some new ammunition to hopefully fire up my game a little at the end.

The Poker River site is also in the stages of setting up a poker forum which, if the rest of the site is anything to go by will be the nuts and should make for some worthwhile discussions.
There is also a Player Profile section covering biographies of some of the leading players in the World which is nice reading. I doubt I'll never make it there but it's nice to dream as well and this section coupled with the Funny Poker Videos makes for some lighthearted entertainment and compliements the strategic and thought provoving articles of the Poker River Online site perfectly.

I'll no doubt be visiting this site again and I've added it to my favourites. One of the better online informational sites and if you're looking for somewhere to play online then the Poker Bonus section will always come in handy.

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