Sunday, February 11, 2007

Absolutely Great!

Played a game of $1/$2 Limit Texas Holdem at Absolute Poker.

This is only the second time I've played there but I love it!! The whole site works very well indeed, the buttons are nice and easy, the tables are not too clumsy and everything feels just right.

Anyway, I took $20 into the game and played for about an hour. I got good solid cards for a change which afforded me to play fairly aggressively. I finished up with $83.38 giving a profit of $63.38 and my best result for a while.

I think I should maybe stick at these low cash games for a while as I seem to do best with them. Then again though, I love playing the poker tournaments too much!

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

Poker Update

I've neglected this blog for a while. I've jsut been so busy!! It's not fair, is it!

Anyway a quick summary of my poker playing exploits over the past few weeks.

Coral - $7.50 in account played 0.50/$1 Texas Hold'em for a while. Finished on $29.50.

Pokerstars, I took $40 into a $1/$2 Limit Texas Hold'em table. I went straight up to $50 with 3 good playable hands. The blinds then robbed me for a while and I ended up down $10 with everyone else leaving the table. Must remember to put deodrant on.

+$5 next night
+$24.50 next night

$10 tourney at Absolute. 112 from 196. Put out when my 2 pair didnt hold up against a flush that the other guy caught on the flop.

$20 at Betfred 138 from 214.

There, I said a quick summary and over the total of the games above I've ended up $11.50!! Result! Not a big one but before I totalled it, I thought I would be away down.

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